Global Settings


Global settings

In this section, learn about:

  • Settings that affect all libraries using Aspen within the same instance


Aspen Discovery allows for multiple libraries to share a single instance while still maintaining their own scoped catalogs. That said, some settings in Aspen Discovery are globally applied, meaning the settings will impact everyone. Members of library systems or consortia must make these decisions together.




These areas of Aspen Discovery may impact all libraries, even those with their own scoped catalogs:


System Administration > Administration Users

  • Anyone with the "Administer Users" permission can add/delete users without restriction across libraries.


System Administration > Amazon SES

  • Settings for “noreply” email address. 


System Administration > System Variables

  • HTML editor vs. Markdown
  • Allowable HTML tags
  • Library to use for fine payments


Primary Configuration > Patron Types

  • Hold limits, roles, etc.


Languages and Translations

  • Interface translations will show up on all catalogs.


ILS Integration > Indexing Profiles

  • Determine Audience By, Treat Unknown Audience As
    • If you decide to determine audience by collection code or shelving location rather than determine from bib record data
  • Determine Literary Form By, Hide Unknown Literary Forms/Hide Not Coded Literary Forms
    • If you decide to determine via particular subfield vs. determine from bib record data
  • Item Information
    • The default settings here are fine in most cases. However, if any of these need to change (ie, locations/collections/statuses to suppress) this will affect all catalogs.
  • Format Information
    • The format map includes item type values from all libraries. Scenario: Library A and Library B both use the format Reference. Library A allows bib-level holds on their Reference titles, but Library B does not allow holds. Since their circ rules conflict, they would need to have separate item types in order for those hold rules to be respected in Aspen. Each item type can only have one line on the format map. If the items have unique identifiers with collection code or shelving location, it may be possible to create a line on the format map using these values instead.
  • Status Mappings
    • Each status can only have one line on the status map. If libraries have different expectations for suppression or “in library use only,” they would need their own unique status values.


ILS Integration > Translation Maps

  • Translation maps are generated based on values from all libraries. 


Catalog/Grouped Works > Manual Grouping Authorities & Records Not to Group 

  • When records are grouped or ungrouped, these changes will apply to all catalogs Author Authorities


Catalog/Grouped Works > Author Authorities

  • These entries affect Aspen’s ability to automatically group records by author (ie, when authors have nicknames or goes by more than one name)


Third Party Enrichment

  • You are currently able to only use a single set of credentials for Syndetics/Content Cafe/NoveList enrichment. If not all libraries in a consortium contribute to the cost for these services, some of the enrichment can be disabled for those libraries via the Grouped Work Display/Grouped Work Facet settings.
  • NYT Lists will be available to all libraries if enabled.
  • If OMDB is enabled for movie covers, the settings will apply to all libraries.
  • Google Analytics


Request Tracker (RT) Settings

View Active Tickets

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