System Messages


System Messages

With these settings, you can:

  • Create messages that communicate information to users
  • Target messages to specific user account pages
  • Schedule system messages to appear for a specific amount of time


System Messages display at the top of the screen and can be applied to the entire catalog or to specific account pages when users are logged in. Use system messages to communicate information about closings, internet outages, system updates, policy changes, job opportunities, and more.



Create a System Message

Example of a system message

To create a system message:

1. Visit Aspen Administration > Local Catalog Enrichment > System Messages and click Add New.

2. Give your system message a title. This is not shown anywhere publicly, it is for your internal identification purposes only.
3. Type and format your message in the Message to show text area. You can change the font, color, size of font, add hyperlinks or even upload images here. If uploading images, keep in mind the size (smaller images might be better)

4. Check Display in Aspen LiDA if you want the message to show in Aspen LiDA

5. If showing in Aspen LiDA, add the message you want to show here. LiDA only supports text-only messages so you may want to modify/reduce what you have in your Discovery message.

6. Click the Show On dropdown to change where the system message displays, if desired. The message will show on All Pages by default (top of header placement), but you can also target messages based on whether users are logged in, or display on specific account pages.
7. Select a Message Style to help your message stand out with background colors.

The Message Style default colors are as follows but they can be updated in your Theme Settings and correlate to the Button colors.

  • Info (blue): #8cd2e7
  • Warning (yellow): #f4d03f
  • Danger (red): #D50000
  • Success (green): #dff0d8

8. Select a Start Date to Show and End Date to Show for your message if you only want the message to show during a specific time period.

9. Check Dismissable to allow logged in patrons to be able to hide a message if they have already seen it. All Aspen LiDA messages are dismissable by default.

10. Select the Libraries and Locations the system message applies to. If no libraries or locations are selected, the system message will not appear.
    1. When selecting Libraries, this is publishing to the Discovery catalogs that you want this to show on
    2. When selecting Locations, this is publishing to the Aspen LiDA interfaces that you want this to show on

11. Save Your Changes


Updated 2023-10-17 km bws
Give a System Message a Start and End Date

System Messages can be set to have start and end dates for libraries who may want to use these for information that has a set time frame - the parking lot is being paved, the library is hosting a large, special event, the library is closed for a holiday, etc.

When creating System Messages in Aspen Administration > Local Catalog Enrichment > System Messages > add a Start Date to Show and/or a End Date to Show.

System Message Images

Add Images to System Messages

You may want to add an image to System Message text to grab the attention of your catalog users. You can do this by clicking on the Insert/edit image icon and uploading an image.



Size Considerations - Too Big

When uploading images into the System Message box, be careful with the size. The size in the box is a pretty accurate representation of how big the image will show in the System Message.

If the image is on the main page and is oversized, it will push down everything else on the page so that users will need to scroll down to access the search box and sign in screens.

Size Considerations - Too Small

When uploading images into the System Message box, you might also want to consider an image with text that is very small. Because Aspen is mobile responsive, these images will resize on mobile devices and scale down. You might want to test on a mobile device to make sure small text is still readable.

Banner System Messages

Some libraries want to have a banner with all the text included in the image.

In this example, the dimensions are 1135 wide x 134 high


Full Width System Messages

If you are using Aspen's Full Width option in Themes, you have the option to stretch your System Message full width as well. You might want to try something like 3000 wide x 150 high.


Adjusting Size of Images

To adjust size of images in a System Message, you can either drag to resize the image or you can click on the < > Source code and manually update the width and height in the box.

Note: Images in System Messages are not available in Aspen LiDA


Updated 2024-03-18 km bws
Copy System Messages

As of the 24.01 release, libraries are now able to copy System Messages.

This functionality will be available to any staff member with the permissions to add new system messages.

To begin, click into a System Message you'd like to copy.

Then, click the Copy button at the top.

This will automatically open a new System Message with the default name of Copying {new System Message ID}.

Aspen will copy all fields over in the exisitng System Message except for Title and the Libraries and Locations that it is published to.

Be sure to give the new System Message a Title, make any updates to the existing fields, and then publish to your catalogs by selecting Libraries and Locations at the bottom.


Updated 2024-01-16 km bws
Considerations for Consortiums

If you're a library in a consortium sharing a server with other Aspen libraries, and your consortium administrators are allowing member libraries access to create system messages, here are some extra tips and considerations.

  • It's possible to have multiple system messages display on your catalog at the same time. This means the consortia admin can create a system message and display that on all library catalogs, and individual libraries can create a system message that only displays on their catalog. 

  • If your library did not create a system message message, do not edit or delete the system message! It's likely a system message that's displaying for all libraries, so editing or deleting the message would change it for everyone. Instead, back out and click "Add New" to create your own system message.

  • Best practice is to add an indicator to the system message title to indicate whether the system message belongs to the whole consortium or to an individual member library. Add your library's name or initials to the title to help you keep track of which system messages truly belong to your library.

  • If you are a consortia library member, to keep a system message in "draft" mode and return to it later, leave your library and locations checked in the system message settings, and then set an End Date to a date in the past. If you uncheck the library/locations, you will no longer be able to access the system message.


2024-09-17 md bws

Video Tutorial