Year in Review


Reading History

With these settings, users can:

  • View a slideshow of their yearly checkouts
  • Manually add items to Reading History




This feature will show as an option to users with Reading History enabled and more than 5 titles on their Reading History. Users may need to sign out and back in to prompt the feature.

Year in Review is designed to calculate your review just once from the first time when you view it. So if you add or delete titles after the first view, the slideshow won’t update unless the you append /MyAccount/YearInReview?reload to your URL to force a reload, so {yourlibraryURL}/MyAccount/YearInReview?reload.

Administration Settings

Configuring Year in Review

This functionality is available in release 24.12.



In order to make changes, you will need the Administer Year in Review permission. This permission allows the user to administer Year in Review either for All Libraries or for Home Library.


1. Configure by Patron Type

To enable/disable Year in Review for specific patron types, go to Aspen Administration > Primary Configuration > Patron Types > click into the setting(s) > Enable Year In Review

This will be defaulted on for all Patron Types.


2. Set Up Year in Review

  1. Go to Aspen Administration > Local Catalog Enrichment > Year in Review > Add New.



Set a name for your Year in Review. In this example, it is called Shelved.

This will display in the patron's account:



Select the Year that is ending. 


Choose the style for your Year in Review. For now, this determines the style for all patrons.

Preview of the Modern style:


Preview of the Festive style:


Promo Message To Display to the Patron

Fill in the text you want to display to users when their Year in Review is available. This will display similar to a System Message in the top header of the catalog.


The Default field is not editable. Enter your custom text in the language tabs.

Start Date to Show for Staff

In order to test this feature, libraries can enter a Start Date to Show for Staff before the date that it is live for patrons. This will make the feature available to any Patron Types that have Treat as Staff checked in Aspen Administration > Primary Configuration > Patron Types

Start Date to Show for Patrons

Libraries can choose when they want Year in Review to start to display for patrons.


Checking Libraries will publish the Year in Review feature to those library catalogs. 

Feature developed by Grove for Libraries.
Documentation created in collaboration with Grove and Kal Marquise.

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User Experience

Aspen Discovery

Once Year in Review is turned on on in your catalog, if a user has Reading History enabled with more than five titles stored, then the system message you’ve set will display at the top of the banner. Clicking Yes will open the Year in Review modal.


Within My Account users will see the Year in Review, labeled with the name the library chose in their settings.

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Aspen LiDA

Once enabled in Aspen Discovery, Year in Review will also be enabled in Aspen LiDA.


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Slideshow Previews

Patrons that have no data for a given slide will not see that slide in their Year in Review. Patrons that only have a single data point for slides showing up to three results will still see that slide with a title modified to use a singular noun (e.g., “Your Favorite Genre” in place of “Your Favorite Genres”).

Slide 1: A Year in Checkouts

Slide 2: Your Borrower Experience Points

slide 2 sample in Modern style

Slide 3: Your Hot Month or Every Month Was Your Busy Month
(Your Hot Month will show if any month has 1% more checkouts than any other month)

slide 3 sample in Modern style

Slide 4: Top Formats

slide 4 sample in Festive style

Slide 5: Favorite Genres

Slide 6: Author You Couldn’t Put Down

Slide 7: Top Series

slide 7 sample in Festive style

Slide 8: Your 2025 Forecast

Slide 9: Thank you for using the library!

Documentation created in collaboration with Grove and Kal Marquise.

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Manually Adding Titles to Reading History

Users who want to add items to their Reading History so their Year in Review can incldue more entries can now do so manually. Click here for more details.

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